A Very Special Teatime Thursday

I have a fun surprise for you guys today! Hope you enjoy!

Find our cute earrings here

Find our favorite reads herehere & here

Current Favorite Tea:
Lisa: Green Tea with Lemon Twist
Candice: Raspberry Peach Iced Tea

Teatime Thought:
Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company.  ~Author Unknown

Fact of the Day:
Drinking tea, 2 -3 cups per day, could add years to your life.

Happy Thursday!

-Candice (& Lisa)


Anonymous said...

ha aww love the vlog girl :) i def would love to add more tea to my life since it is so good for you! xo

Candice said...

Thanks Cait! :)

Anonymous said...

I love that little quote about tea :)

Anonymous said...

ha... Joshua Harris.... that's the book Louis read before asking to court me! :)

Mikelle Jade said...

mmm raspberry peach :)
and yes we need to catch up, it's been much too LONG!

Sienna said...

i love this post, im obsessed with tea, especially green ginger!

Ross said...

The tea sounds really good! Great post!

Brianna Meadows said...

I enjoyed this post very much!!! I love the both of you very much as well! : )

Sam Meisenholder said...

ahhh this is so cute. I loved it!!

HeartNhandmade said...

I love your blog!, and enjoyed the video :)

Mere said...

What a cute vlog! Yay for new books! And about the jewelry collection coming to the States- that's so cool! Hope it all works out! :)

Candice said...

Thanks Mere!! :)

Betsey said...

Ahh, I love love this video post Candice! Such a good idea, full of such good stuff. LOVE those earrings too!

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